Awesome Links - Creation Model - Bible Prophecy - Online Bible!
These helpful links are web sites which I have found to be generally sound on Creation Science and Bible Prophecy, however each person must be discerning for themselves as regards other spiritual issues. The one on the Temple Mount Faithful does not fall under the Christian umbrella but this group has an important role to play because the end times require the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem. The Bible is clear that the temple will be rebuilt before the Messiah physically returns to Jerusalem to reign for a 1,000 years. Through this web site one can keep up with the latest developments on this important prophetic event.
I hope to add more as I become aware of other sound sites on the internet. In the religious area there is much confusion which is our lot in these last days.
Jewish People Finding Their Messiah
One for Israel is a ministry for Jewish people who found their Messiah. Often reading Isaiah 53, Psalm 2, Psalm 22 in their own scriptures.
Creation Model of Earth History
Answers in Genesis with Ken Ham and Andrew Snelling
Answers in Genesis Youtube Channel
The main one hour presentations are very well done, concise and clear!
Creation Science Evangelism with Eric Hovind
Institute for Creation Research with John Morris and Steve Austin
Creation Evidences Museum with Carl Baugh
Center for Scientific Creation - Walter Brown - information on the cracking apart of the pre-flood worlds crust when "the great fountains of the deep broke up" in Genesis 7v 11 and all the subterranean waters flooded the surface of the earth
Center for Scientific Creation with Walter Brown
The True Origin Archive - Exposing the Myth of Evolution
Creation Truth Ministries with Vance Nelson
Bible Prophecy and Apostasy Related Apologetics
Prophecy Updates at Hope for Our Times by Tom Hughes - Pastor Tom Hughes observes the convergence of the end time signs
Prophecy Updates at Hope for Our Times by Tom Hughes
Prophecy Updates by J.D. Farag - weekly Bible Prophecy update by J.D. Farag of Calvary Chapel Kaneohe, Hawaii
Prophecy Updates by J.D. Farag
Prophecy Updates on Behold Israel by Amir Tsarfati - regular updates on Bible Prophecy and Israel by Jewish believer Amir Tsarfati
Prophecy Updates on Behold Israel by Amir Tsarfati
The Berean Call - Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon - Spiritual Discernment, Aberrant Teachings and End Times
Good articles defending the Pre-Trib timing of the Rapture!
Pre-Tribulation Perspectives Articles with Don Perkins
PsychoHeresy Awareness Ministries - Mixing the Errors of Humanistic Psychology with the Bible - another sign of the Apostasy
PsychoHeresy Awareness Ministries with Martin and Deidre Bobgan
Updates on progress towards building the 3rd temple which is standing when Anti-Christ defiles it in the middle of the 7 year tribulation!
Learn About the Temple and the Current Preparations
Lighthouse Trails Research and Discernment - apologetic site pointing out aberrant teachings entering the church such as Emergent and New Age ideas - speakers would include Warren B. Smith, Ray Yungen, Roger Oakland as well as many others
Lighthouse Trails Research and Discernment
Roger Oakland web site covering origins and the activities and errant teaching (especially Mariolatry) of the Roman Catholic church and its ecumenical bid to build a one world church
Origins and Discernment with Roger Oakland/
His Channel - daily updates on the world events as related to the end times as well as many other topics - Calvary Chapel Pastors Barry Stagner, Mike Macintosh, Don Stewart, Tom Hughes and many more
His Channel - Updates on End Times and World Events
Variety of presenters speaking on the validity of the Rapture or Harpazo doctrine teaching
Defending the Rapture or Harpazo from Scripture
From New Age to Christ
Former New Agers' speaking about their beliefs when in the New Age to their new thinking and perspective having been reconciled to the Creator Jesus Christ. It's a real battle for them for often they encounter New Age concepts in the visible Church! Not to mention all the other heresies in the visible Church!
Steve Bancarz - Steven had a very successful New Age website and practice until he met the Creator Jesus Christ
Melissa Dougherty - Melissa came from a new thought background until she met the Creator Jesus Christ
Doreen Virtue was another well known New Age teacher until she met the Creator Jesus Christ
Doreen Virtue - Discernment Ministry
Free Bible Study Software
E-Sword - Free Bible Study Program download - Accepts Donations - online Bible with English KJV and a variety of selectable languages in parallel